субота, 22. новембар 2014.

The Dark Valley- Das finstere Tal

Zaplet: Skroz skrivenu stazu do malog gradića, smeštenog visoko u Alpima, dolazi usamljeni jahač. Niko ne zna odakle je stranac i šta želi, ali im je svima jasno da ne žele da on ostane među njima.

Plot:  Through a hidden path a lone rider reaches a little town high up in the Alpes. Nobody knows where the stranger comes from, nor what he wants there. But everyone knows that they don't want him to stay.

Glume / Starring : Sam Riley, Paula Beer i Tobias Moretti.

Režija / Director: Andreas Prochaska

Po pitanju same priče ovaj film ne nudi zaista ništa što već nismo videli, ali zato nudi nešto prilično jednostavno ispričano na vizualno prelep i jedinstven način. Sam ambijent snežnih Alpi je već dovoljno neobičan za ono na šta smo obično navikli od jednog vesterna. Sumorno raspoloženje, radnja, koja se sporo odvija, ali ni u jednom trenutku ne prelazi u dosadu i razvučenost, stvarno funkcionišu u ovom austrijskom filmu. Kada se na sve to doda gluma Sam Riley- a, koji uspeva da nosi ceo film, svojom ćutljivom, a opet na momente, intenzivnom pojavom, ovaj film je odlična preporuka za sve one, koji, osim što uživaju u klasičnoj vestern priči, žele da provedu jedan zimski dan uz kvalitetan film. Ovaj film je takođe austrijski kandidat za filmsku nagradu Oskar u kategoriji najbolji strani film.

In the terms of the story this movie doesn` t really offer anything we hadn` t seen already, but it offers something so simple told in a visually stunning and unique way. Snowy Alps are already unusual enough ambient from what we expect to see in a western movie. Gloomy mood, heavy action, which is slow pacing at first, but progresses through the first hour and a half, until it escalates in the last thirty minutes of the movie is really working for this Austrian movie, but never exceeds in boredom or lengthiness. When you add the young actor Sam Riley, as a leading mysterious man, who succeeds in carrying the entire movie as a quit, and yet at the moments pretty intense character, I can say that this movie is a great recommendation not only for a classical western lovers, but also for all those who would enjoy to spend an winter afternoon with a good and quality film. This film is also the official submission of Austria to the best foreign language film category of the 87th Academy Awards 2015.

Zaključak: Pogledajte, naročito ako ste ljubitelji žanra, možda će vas ovako nešto prijatno iznenaditi.

Conclusion: See it, especially if you` re a fan of the genre, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised. It doesn`t offer something new, but boy is it beautiful.

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